Project outputs
Intellectual output 1: Good practices for integrating web accessibility in ICT education and training at university level
The good practice guide includes concrete examples on both stand-alone courses and how web accessibility teaching can be integrated into existing courses. The guide also provides tips on how to get started and how to make a success out of the courses.
We hope that the collection will provide inspiration, both for novices but also for teachers that already teach web accessibility and are looking for new ways to vary or improve their courses.
IWAC Good practice guide, PDF (777 kb), opens in a new window
Intellectual output 2: Handbook for integrating web accessibility in ICT education and training at university level
The handbook has been developed specifically for teachers who are interested in starting courses on the topic of web accessibility but need to brush up their own knowledge of the topic before they start. It includes both an introduction to the topic and provides practical guidance on both the fundamental elements that students should learn as well as on how the teaching itself can be made accessible.
Our hope is that teachers will use the handbook not only to find background information but also as an inspiration to include web accessibility in their courses, whether it is a small module or a larger programme.
IWAC Handbook, PDF (901 kb), opens in a new window
Intellectual output 3: Case studies
This report contains a selection of case studies designed to be used as problem-based learning exercises that trains students on how to apply theoretical knowledge and competences related to web accessibility in different professional contexts. The selection includes three longer cases that have been adapted to different strands of ICT education programmes. It also presents a structure for and examples of mini cases that can be used in different types of courses.
IWAC Case study report, PDF (425 kb), opens in new window
Intellectual output 4: MOOCs
The IWAC project developed and tested two MOOCs to be used in the teaching of web accessibility. In the first MOOC, teachers can learn about accessible teaching and learning methods
The second MOOC provides an introduction web to accessibility for students from the perspective of different user groups.
The content of the MOOCs is presented as open educational resources that can be used by teachers under the open access license provided by the IWAC project.
IWAC Open Educational Resources, PDF (193 kb), opens in new window
Intellectual output 5: Recommendations
This report collects the learnings and insights from the IWAC project and from the different outputs into a series of recommendations on how to integrate web accessibility in ICT courses and programmes on university level.
In line with the objectives of the project and the accompanying outputs, the guide has been primarily conceived for teachers and programme managers who design and or deliver education and training in IT-related subjects at the higher education level.
However, many of the recommendations can also be applied in other educational contexts for professional ICT training, such as in vocational education and training (VET) courses and life-long learning processes.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The page was updated: December 13, 2023