Web Accessibility in Higher Education 20 October
13:00 Welcome and introductory remarks
Susanna Laurin, Global Chair, International Association of Accessiblity Professionals
13:10 IAAP Nordic and web accessibility
Frida Sandberg will present the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) and its roll in the promotion of the importance of web accessibility.
Frida Sandberg, IAAP Nordic
13:20 Teaching Universal Design of ICT and Web Accessibility
Recent years have seen an increasing demand for accessibility competence among current and future IT professionals. This poses challenges and requirements for IT education in higher education institutions. In order to give students the necessary knowledge and competence, higher education institutions needs to incorporate accessibility in their IT curricula. In this presentation we will share experience and lessons learned from integrating universal design of ICT and web accessibility in IT education at OsloMet.
Weiqin Chen, Professor at the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design at OsloMet
13:40 Break
13:50 Universal Design for learning, being and doing
Societies are increasingly permeated by, and reliant on, digitalized infrastructures. At the same time, persons wishing to exercise their full citizenship rights expect and require more in terms of accessibility and participation. Today, digital media, human-computer interaction, user-centered design and interaction design cut across most of the work carried out by Certec at Lund University. During this presentation we will discuss how we address and utilize accessibility from an inclusive stance, based on Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning. The presentation will be based on material and examples from both teaching and research.
Håkan Eftring, PhD in Engineering, Assistant Professor, Director of Studies, Lund University
Per-Olof Hedvall, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, Director of Research at Certec, Department of Design Sciences, Lund University
14:10 Teaching Web Accessibility at Laurea University
It is important to include web accessibility teaching and understanding in various study units. Accessibility comprises different fields such as technical compliance, usability and design, and cognition. It is also important to consider using clear and appropriate language. During this presentation we will demonstrate how we teach web accessibility at Laurea. We will also show our best practices for spreading web accessibility knowledge and awareness among students and other universities.
Terhi Kärpänen, Senior Lecturer, Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Johanna Lathi, Development Manager, Laurea University of Applied Sciences
14:30 Break
14:40 Implementing universal design across The Technical University of Denmark
The goal of the project ‘Technology Leaving No One Behind’ is to provide opportunities and support to make universal design thinking a natural part of engineering new sustainable technological solutions at the Technical University of Denmark. In this presentation Dagny Valgeirsdottir and Line Nykjær Johansen will introduce the efforts currently being developed to operationalize the goal of the project. They will also address how the project aligns with the new overall strategy of the university ‘Technology for people’ and how it can support the goal of implementing an inclusive mindset across study programmes at the Technical University of Denmark.
Line Nykjær Johansen, Project Coordinator, DTU Skylab, Technical University of Denmark
Dagny Valgeirsdottir, Post.doc., DTU Skylab, Technical University of Denmark
15:00 Ongoing and upcoming projects on Web Accessibility in Higher Education
Sara Kjellstrand, Research Strategist, Funka
15:15 Interactive session on key takeaways and next steps for web accessibility in higher education.
16:00 End of conference
The page was updated: December 13, 2023